

  • Optimanova Solutions
  • Posted by Optimanova Solutions

Open Graph Protocol allows improving the visibility of a web page on...

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  • Optimanova Solutions
  • Posted by Optimanova Solutions

In the past, we have been able to use affinity audiences only...

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  • Miguel Hernández
  • Posted by Miguel Hernández

Google Data Studio is a new Google tool to visualize data and to create reports in no time. The purpose of this tool is to create simple reports, that you can share, customize them and to perfom a visual analysis of the data so that it's easier and faster to obtain results.

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  • Miguel Hernández
  • Posted by Miguel Hernández

Google Optimize is a new and free Google tool that aims to improve and optimize user experience of your Website/Mobile, via the creation and launch of different experiments based on assumptions obtained from previous analysis.

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  • Optimanova Solutions
  • Posted by Optimanova Solutions

We suppose many of you have been looking for a good keyword...

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